The Work of The Art of Divine Mercy


Pope Benedict XVI’s address to artists in the Sistine Chapel in November, 2009 was a call for artists to be “Custodians of Beauty” and “Heralds and Witnesses of Hope to humanity”.

The Catholic Church has understood and taught from earliest times that the primary purpose of art in all it’s various forms is to express beauty, and in so doing touch the heart of man and open his heart to the absolute greatest beauty, God. Sacred art has done this down the centuries with subjects and themes which relate to God’s saving love for man. The Church has also always known that Sacred art, at it’s best, not only has moved hearts and minds through it’s beautiful expressions, but has enlightened minds with great inspiration through it’s ability to educate and shed greater light on Catholic doctrine.


In thanksgiving for the God given talent, Tommy Canning’s fervent desire and primary goal through his artworks and the “The Art of Divine Mercy” apostolate, has been to give back to God using these talents, images of Christ’s merciful love to inspire and reach souls in search of Divine Mercy. For several years now, in various countries this work has been displayed in conferences in a variety of media, touching many audiences and inspiring anew through a dramatic and moving use of his paintings, drawings and music in DVD presentations.   


It was in response to the words of Blessed Pope John Paul II's l999 letter to Artists, that this apostolate and web site began. In keeping with the aims of the New Evangelisation, it has continued to reach out to individuals and audiences and has strived also to hopefully make a small, modest contribution to the role of art in the renewal of Christian culture in our times. These are the concerns and desires of Pope Benedict XVI  in his call to artists, that they continue to promote a public discourse on the meaning of beauty, striving to cultivate a greater understanding of Christianity’s contribution to the shaping of our cultural heritage and civilization.


“Since John the Baptist came, up to this present time, the Kingdom of Heaven has been subjected to violence and the violent are taking it by storm”. Mat 11:12


In the times of the world we live in today, one can easily become tempted to despair and overwhelmed with discouragement through our pain and misery. We are constantly reminded of the need for healing, forgiveness and Divine Mercy. May the Art of Divine Mercy be one window into the beauty of God’s loving heart with consoling images that may once again stir up hope in souls with a glimpse of His enduring mercy.


Today the Lord said to me, My daughter, My pleasure and delight, nothing will stop Me from granting you graces. Your misery does not hinder My mercy. My daughter, write that the greater the misery of a soul, the greater its right to My mercy; [urge] all souls to trust in the unfathomable abyss of My mercy, because I want to save them all. On the cross, the fountain of My mercy was opened wide by the lance for all souls-no one have I excluded! (Diary 1182)

The Merciful Jesus (detail from The Tribunal of Mercy by Tommy Canning)

Jesus, I trust in You

Web site by Allan Canning. Email  Allan  with questions or comments about this web site.
All content and artwork Copyright © 2010 Tommy Canning/Art of Divine Mercy
Last modified: November 23, 2011